To the friend who inspires me with actions

To the friend who inspires me with words

To the friend who helped me in learning programming

To the friend who helped me in academics

To the friend who understood my interests

To the friend who pushed me to play games

To the friend who taught me Table tennis

To the friend at times who kept my fears at my foot

To the friend  who holds my hand at my insecurities

To the friend who made my mornings by walking beside me

To the friend who walked miles along with me

To the friend who made me bunk the classes

To the friend who explored the places with me

To the friend who is there a call away from me

To the friend who played badminton with me

To the friend who captured my ugliest pictures

To the friend who observes my  silly actions 

To the friend who took me for a day out amid their schedule

To the friend who accompanied for shopping with me

To the friend who helped me handle my stress

To the friend who made me know the importance of being myself

To the friend who played carroms with me

To the friend who made me ride a bicycle 

To the friend who traveled along with me on the bus

To the friend who fought with me and settled everything and walked together with me in the evening

To the friend who made  me eat lots of junk food

To the friend who became my pani puri partner

To the friend who listened to my silly talks, arguments...

To the friend who teases me all the time

To the friend who gave me a bike ride

To the friend who made my special days more special 

To the friend who drinks juice with me

To the friend who understands my period cramps and takes care of me

To the friend who never judges

To the friend who calls me to know I reached home safely

To the friend  who brings me food when I get ill

To the friend who loves to eat Pav bhaji with me

To the friend who eats ice cream with me

To the friend who makes me pay the bill most of the time

To the friend who gave me a chance to meet the best people 

To the friend  who played red hands with me

To the friend who made my childhood memorable 

To the friend who comes to see me wherever they are

To the friend who made me do physical exercise

To the friend who consoles me at times

To the friend who cheers up with a glass of chai

To the friend who flirts for fun

To the friend who secretly cares about me

To the friend who makes me smile

To the friend who makes me learn new skills

To the friend who buys chocolates and ice cream for me

To the friend who buys me gifts

To the friend who hugs me and makes me laugh when I cry

To the friend who gives me suggestions when I needed

To the friend who scolds me for my mistakes

To the friend who corrects me

To the friend who prays for me 

To the friend who thinks about my wellness 

To the friend who says I am there for you by their actions

I am grateful for all those little things which they do for me. To the friend is not one person alone, It might be a book, It might be a video, It might be myself,  It might be my family members, It might be a situation, every person or thing that is kind towards me is the one I refer here as 



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